
07713 928 397


Proud North London is the leading LGBT+ Youth project covering London boroughs of Barnet, Enfield and Haringey. We provide safe and supportive spaces for young people to meet and socialise with others, learn about their identities, access to support from qualified youth workers, and be involved with their local and wider LGBT+ communities.

We currently operate two groups (13-25) and each of our groups has a youth led curriculum focusing on mental & physical well-being, Identity, culture and community.

Tottenham Group - Mondays - 5pm to 7pm

Enfield Group - Fridays - 6pm to 9pm

If you would like to join our youth club please send us an email to or whatsapp us on: 07713 928 397

For safeguarding purposes you wil need to have lan induction meeting before coming to the group meets. this is normally done
(Phone or face-to-face) with one of our youth workers. Safeguarding of vulnerable young people to us is paramount, so we don't advertise the locations of our groups.


Proud North London began as a small youth provision in Enfield almost 12 years ago and will celebrate our 12th Birthday in September 2022. The project was initially started from 2 local organisations and In 2017 expanded to become Proud North London, in order to meet the needs of young people from neighbouring boroughs. 2019, Kiki Youth was established to increase the support for disadvantaged youth in the area and take on the full responsibility for the Proud North London project, establishing itself as a community Interest Company in 2021 (Delayed due to the COVID-19 pandemic).

The organisation has been successful with several funding applications to support LGBT+ Youth Work from Mayor of London, National Lottery Community Funds and National Survivor User Network. We have helped 100s of young people be their authentic selves and offer the best support for LGBT+ Youth in the Area.

Our organisation is a member of London Youth and part of a partnership of Pan London LGBT Youth Work Organisations and Professionals. We are proud to have extensive knowledge and experience that spans 20 years of the LGBT+ Community and experts in the field of LGBT+ Youth work in the local area.


Our organisation takes its responsibility seriously when it comes to the safeguarding of children and young people. Promoting values and working practice that are in line with the National Occupational Standards for Youth Work. We actively promote anti-discriminative practice and take a zero tolerance approach to bullying of any kind.

With this in mind, in January 2023 it was necessary to bring a change to the management of Kiki Youth and Proud North London, we regretfully had to ask a director and staff member to resign due to not adhering to the professional standards required for this field, along with ceasing any affiliation to the Enfield LGBT Network who have endorsed this unacceptable behaviour and have subsequently opened a rival provision using the name Proud Enfield. We have no affiliation to this group and do not endorse it due to the aforementioned issues.



Our groups meet regularly where you can meet other likeminded young people to socialise and participate in the LGBT+ community. We provide opportunities to organise and implement your own social action projects, participate in annual campaigns such as LGBT History Month, Pride Month and Spirit Day.

Our group days and times are:

Tottenham Group - Mondays - 5pm to 7pm

Enfield Group - Fridays - 6pm to 9pm

Our weekly curriculum promote positive Mental & Physical well-being, Identity, Culture & Community and is young person led.

In addition to our regular weekly activities we include external activities such as residentials, day-trips, activitiy centres, etc, some of which are funded, others will be on a pay basis.


31st May - Pride Month Planning Day

7th June - Pride Month Planning Day

14th June - Pride Month

21st June - Proud@Dugdale

22nd June - Pride Meet 'n' Greet@Dugdale Centre



31st May - Pride Month Planning Day

7th June - Pride Month Planning Day

14th June - Pride Month

21st June - Proud@Dugdale

22nd June - Pride Meet 'n' Greet@Dugdale Centre

5th July - TBC

12th July - TBC



We currently operate two youth groups operating from Enfield & Haringey, aimed at supporting young people from Enfield, Barnet, Waltham Forest & Haringey. Whilst we support young people from aged 11, our youth groups are only accessible for 13+

Our groups are safe and supportive environments that provide opportunities for LGBT Youth to meet, socialise and learn about their identities. We have LGBT+ youth groups currently in the London Boroughs of Enfield and Haringey

Our youth groups aim to foster positive physical & mental health well-being, personal development & growth, awareness & acceptance of self-identity and of others, all whilst supported from professionally qualified youth workers.

Please email if you are interested in attending any of our youth groups or need support.


In addition to our youth groups we are able to offer mentoring and advocacy across North and East London, this can take place in a group or 1-2-1 work within schools, colleges or external settings.

Coming to terms with your identity can be a difficult process and getting the the right support is important.

If you are a professional or organisation who wishes to access support for a group, 1-2-1 mentoring service or support your own existing LGBT work, please drop us an email on


LGBT+ Awareness, Inclusion and acceptance in all walks of life is importance to us.

We provide opportunities for teachers and other youth professionals the tools and knowledge enabling them to be LGBT+ inclusive in their practice & policy.

Our training and education is informed directly by the LGBT+ Young people who we work and have a co-operative relationship with along with over 15 years of experience in this field.

This is offered through our parent organisation KIKI YOUTH EDUCATION CIC and is bespokely designed for your own organisational needs


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Specialising in LGBT+ Young person's health & well-being since 2004. Lecturer and Supervisor for Youth & Community Qualifications & Diversity and Inclusion Courses.

B.A. (Hons) Youth & Community Work.
PGCE (Post Compulsory Education)

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An experienced and dedicated Youth worker with background in Catering and Events.

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It is important to us that young people are involved in the services that they access.

Decision making and responsibility is an important aspect to young peoples lives, hence, we use a co-production model to ensure that Young people's voices are heard and acted upon.

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Our organisation is run in partnership with young people. Young people co-produce our services and take on responsibility for decision making, and having an input into the services that we offer.

They direct the aims, aspirations and outcomes of the organisation. We are proud to work using a co-production model that enables young people to have management level of responsibility in the services they use.



Our project 'Spirit is the way', recieved funding from the National Lottery Community Fund in 2023, following on from our successful previous 'The Rainbow Road not taken', and promoting the global Spirit Day campaign.

The aim of this project is to focus on helping LGBT+ youth to express their identity and be involved with their local LGBT+ community, to promoting equality, affirmation and acceptance.

Youth at our project are being supoprted to create their own local campaigns and get involved local events for pride month as well as larger pride events.


LGBT+ Young people were hit hard by the COVID-19 Pandemic.

This project aims were to provide mentoring and signposting services for the following outcomes.

  • Promote feelings of belonging within LGBT+ Young people
  • Decrease feelings of lonlieness and social isolation
  • Increase feelings of connection within the wider LGBT+ Community.

This project is from July 2022 until March 2023


The Rainbow Road Not Taken launched in 2022 and conclued in 2023. The project enabled LGBT+ youth to explore opportunities that they have missed out on, or chosen not to explore due to socio-economic disadvantage, their identity, their mental health or related to the Covid-19 Pandemic.

The project was funded by the National Lottery Community Fund and explored those missed opportunities which LGBT+ Youth due to exploring or hiding their sexual orientation/gender identity and/or having issues such as depression/social anxiety/bullying which has prevented participation.



Our policies and procedures are updated on an ongoing basis. Please check out the latest versions here.

Equal Ops & Diversity

Impact & Outcomes

Participation & Co-Production







Proud North London is a member of London Youth, through our parent organisation Kiki Youth Education CIC.










Our youth groups meet in the Enfield & Tottenham areas.

For confidentiality and safeguarding reasons, our youth group is not listed here. Young people will need to contact us to attend.

07713 928 397

Proud North London is a project of
Logo of Kiki Youth


Logo of London Borough of Haringey London Logo of London Borough of Haringey London